Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today is April 11, 2011, approximately around 2:37 in the afternoon. Since the last time we had launched our rocket we had made changes to it by adding cardboard fins and a parachute. We added 1 liter of water before we had headed out to launch our rocket. We were located on Kinau Hale lawn because of the sprinklers on Konia Circle. Today is an ugly day the weather is horrible because of the rain. We had three air trials and all trials did not stay in the air longer than 10 seconds. The longest airtime that we had was our first trial, which was seven seconds. That had flown high into the air and the parachute attached to the bottle rocket did not deploy. In the other two launched the airtime was around six seconds and the parachute also didn’t deploy. Our seven-second launch had gone in a northeast direction if facing north was Ka‘ahumanu. While the rocket was in the air you could hear the parachute trying to open but had failed to do so. We had thought that when center of gravity extends beyond its support it topples that we would have a longer airtime because since the nose cone would topple that the parachute would deploy causing more airtime. We tried and had kept our rocket in the air for seven seconds. :)

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