Monday, April 4, 2011

Today is April 4, 2011. The film above shows our second launch of our bottle rocket. We have added three fins made out of a manila folder to our rocket design. Adding these fins to the design will help the rockets stability while in flight, helping the rocket to stay in the air on its path. If five or more fins were added to the rocket, the weight of the fins would make the rocket drag. For our bottle rocket we put 1 liter of water into the bottle. Setting up the bottle rocket took time because the equipment that we were using did not want to corporate. When the set-up was finished, we tried to launch the water and water from the squirted out from the bottle. We fixed the rocket and tried again. The second try was more successful because it was in the air for 6.3 seconds. What had happen on the second try was after the take off of the bottle rocket the fins had ripped off the bottle, with the bottle and the fins separated when gravity had pulled it back down to Earth. The direction that the bottle rocket went in was north west of the launch pad if north was facing the auditorium. When the bottle rocket works by conserving The Conservation of Momentum Law which will requires the momentum of the bottle to be equal but opposite to the momentum of the escaping air. Therefore, more massive particles will impart more momentum to the rocket. Ways to improve our rocket designs are to use cardboard for the fins instead of manila folder because it will be more stable and to use a parachute so the bottle rocket will have a greater airtime.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is by far the most professional looking, organized and well written blog. very good job citing your sources and polishing up your videos and pictures. Thank you for using as much physics as you did in your analysis. Perhaps just a bit more quantitative data. Good luck trying to reach 10 seconds. =)
